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The Projection

Connecting the dots

The proposal corporates with Farnham Speaker's Club to establish a new way to improve English language through films for UCA Farnham international students. It is inspired by the designer's personal experience when they try to learn English.

They picked out a number of quotes and gestures from films then tried to practice with their friends in daily basis. They also learned and attempted to repeat about the reaction, intonation, some jokes and the way of thinking from the characters. They realized that studying language is not only about vocabulary or grammar structures, but also about culture and tradition where the language is spoken.

Through variety of live surveys around UCA Farnham campus, most of international students who are struggling with English are Asian. Therefore, the proposal is going to be designed specifically for that group of users who not only are interested in films and ways to improve English, but also want to connect to other students and understand more about English culture.

The Projection: Gallery
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